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Internal Organ Assessment

For ailments with physical conditions




Additional Note


What is included



For ailments and complaints with physical symptoms, it is helpful to look at the internal organs and blood flow, condition of the organ, energy flow and the aura. This is done using clairvoyance, direct knowing and with the help of healing guides. We are all made from the same energy and more often than not, our ailments are a result of the body cells working against us. For example the uncontrolled growth of cancer cells, stress caused by our reaction to things around us resulting in physical symptoms such as back pain, hypertension etc. The organ assessment reading helps with the cure of such ailments.



Your investment for each internal reading session is $ 65.00 payable at the time of making the reservation for the session. An additional $2.50 processing fee is added for credit card payments via Paypal.


To schedule an appointment, please scroll to the end of this page. 


Click on 'Redeem Coupon/Package' and enter the code if you have it, then pick a date, you will be able to see the availablie time slots on that day. Select a time slot and click on continue.


On the next screen, you will be asked for your name and email address, and a couple of additional questions. Scroll down and you will see the 'Pay Now' buttons. You can choose to pay via credit card or PayPal. Proceed to pay as normal.


Please use this paypal button in case you have already spoken to me and setup an appoinment






Please send a picture of the person for whom you are asking the reading, along with their full name and date of birth. A more recent picture with a clear background always helps, though it is not mandatory. Ideally, there should be no other people in the picture. 



The internal organ assessment consists of and or all of the following:


  • General aura reading

  • General assessment of all organs and a more detailed one of the affected one 

  • Vitality and blockages assessment

  • Assessment of source or root cause of any anomalies

  • Blood circulation and indications of 



At the end of the reading and healingI will send you an email and share the details of the healing session and further instructions or suggestions as needed.



Please schedule your appointment for the internal reading here.


Click on 'Redeem Coupon/Package' and enter the code if you have it, then pick a date, you will be able to see the availablie time slots on that day. Select a time slot and click on continue


On the next screen, you will be asked for your name and email address, and a couple of additional questions. Scroll down and you will see the 'Pay Now' buttons. You can choose to pay via credit card or PayPal. Proceed to pay as normal.

Still Need Help? If you unable to find a timeslot or would rather speak to me for any special request, please feel free to contact me at (408) 317 8821 or contact me via the website.



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